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On 3rd October 2012 Wesley Chapel celebrated its 150th anniversary.
Special events were organised to mark this prestigious occasion
and a new book was published.
SPECIAL 150th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 7 October 2012 at 10-30am
with Rev. Dr Mark Wakelin President of the Methodist Conference
Our 150th anniversary day was a great achievement! The service was one that our Wesley forefathers would have been proud to witness and went ahead seamlessly thanks to the hard work of Rev. Trevor Dixon, assisted by Deacon David Hunt and our Senior Stewards, Les Sudron and Christine. Bunting Christine Bunting and Jenny Goodwin sang Panis Angelicus beautifully and the awed silence afterwards was a perfect tribute. Graham Bunting’s organ playing was magnificent and the congregation responded with some wonderful singing. The church looked stunning thank you to our wonderful team of flower arrangers. Jenny Goodwin had arranged a fascinating exhibition of our history. It was great to see the church full and so many of our friends from other churches round the circuit, from St. Peter's, and our past ministers and deacons and 'old' friends who have left the area. This was our order of service.
The service was followed by a lunch in the lower hall with members of the congregation and friends of Wesley.

150 Year Celebration
This cress garden was made by one our Junior Church members, Ben.

150 Year Celebrations
Inside Wesley - we had a special banner display that had been organised for the inauguration of the new Nidd Valley Circuit.

150 Year Celebrations
Andrew and Philip

150 Year Celebration
This cress garden was made by one our Junior Church members, Ben.
Click on the picture above for more photographs of our special day.
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